WP Reviews

Adjust Reviews to Suit Any Project

Create different review types for any desired CPT

WPReviews works great with any post type. Feel free to create the needed review types, edit the review fields in a neat pop-up window, and assign the review types to various posts and pages.

Show dynamic rates for WooCommerce projects

Want to implement reviews and comments on a WooCommerce website? WPReviews is the right fit for the job. Add corresponding sections to product pages and set the optimal rating scale values.

Deepen Audience Engagement

Expanded product specs

Create a tell-all rating system for each product/service you offer and let users rate them by the pre-defined criteria.

Visible average stats

Decompose any post type to highlight its total reviews, review and post’s average ratings, and all reviews’ ranking.

Multiple rating scales

Stick to a rating system you prefer and display user reviews as stars, points, or percent.


Reviews listings

Create a custom layout and output reviews and comments as a WPReviews Listing.


Reply to reviews and comments

Enable website users to interact by leaving comments on the reviews and replying to comments left by others.

Streamlined voting

Bring Likes/Dislikes into play and let the Guests change their Like to Dislike and vice versa anytime they want.


Make Leaving Feedback Trouble-Free and Secure

Adjust review submissions and display

Use the WPReviews potential to the fullest – configure author verification and review transparency settings. Advanced refinements cover the data fetching and front-end rendering.

Moderate Via Clean Dashboard

Comment & Review Lists

Review Stats

Admin Notifications

Custom Behavior Conditions

Allowed Roles

Prohibited Words Checkup

Additional Features

No website slowdown

All data are stored in custom DB tables and subject to a custom query system, which saves resources and doesn’t weigh down your site.

Responsive layout

Use Elementor to create a 100% responsive layout for all reviews, so they are displayed flawlessly on every screen of every size.

Elementor-based styling

Style up every review item you fancy – from rating scales and icons to colors, padding, label texts, typography, item gaps, and more.